Met Geo Environmental Senior Surveyor, Gustavo Palma, is speaking at the FIG Young Surveyors Conference in Lisbon, Portugal this week 17th-18th October 2013
Co-organized by the Portuguese member of FIG – Ordem dos Engenheiros/Colégio de Engenharia Geográfica (Portuguese Engineers Association/Geographical Engineering College) and FIG Young Surveyors Network (YSN), the Meeting is themed “European Young Surveyors together for tomorrow’s challenges”.
The meeting for young professionals by young professionals aims to establish a European network of young technicians and engineers of surveying and geographical information technologies in order to enhance international cooperation, networking and knowledge.
The 2013 meeting and will cover various topics including the current challenges and future needs of Young Surveyors, new technology applications and perspectives across Europe. Sessions will vary from presentations to discussions and break-out workshops.
Gustavo helped organise the inaugral European Young Surveyors Conference last year in Rome at which more than 120 young surveyors attended representing over 40 countries before he joined Met Geo Environmental this year.
He is speaking at the Technical Session ‘Get Inspired’ in which five Young Surveyors will present their ideas for professional development. The presentations are related to the developments in education, the relation of young professionals to the labour market, the use of social media and crowd sourcing.
We hope to bring you a full conference report and Gustavo’s speaker notes after the conference.
FIG Young Surveyors Conference in Lisbon, Portugal this week 17th-18th October 2013