Project: St Peter’s Church roof restoration
Client: English Heritage (now Historic England)
- Void detection
- Non-intrusive investigation
Met’s geophysics team completed a GPR survey of one of the most important surviving examples of built heritage in Britain.
Project Overview
With over 2,800 burials dating from Anglo-Saxon to Victorian times, St Peter’s Church, in Barton-Upon-Humber, North Lincolnshire, is both an archaeological and architectural treasure trove. A formative example of the Anglo-Saxon style, St Peter’s is the most intensively studied and recorded parish church in the country. It has produced the largest collection of human remains ever excavated in the UK providing a unique insight into the population of a small, relatively isolated, market town over 900 years.
English Heritage called in our geophysics team to perform a non-intrusive investigation for voids beneath the floor of the church building. A GPR survey was required to identify the location of any subterranean voids and confirm the structural integrity of the floor ahead of commissioning restoration work to the internal roof structure.
Technical Overview
Met carried out a non-intrusive ground investigation using a multi frequency GPR system. This utilised high and low frequency antennas to provide high resolution data to a depth of two metres.
The GPR data we collected provided an excellent correlation with plans and images of past features that had been found beneath the floor during historic excavations. The survey results also identified two areas that required further investigation and consolidation prior to work commencing on the roof restoration.
Find out more about our GPR and geophysics services, or contact us for a quote.
Thumbnail image credit: Church of St. Peter, Barton Upon Humber, by David Wright. Licensed under Creative Commons 2.0.